This would be Laura & I kayaking on Town Lake in Austin. Word to the wise, do not kayak one direction more than half the time of your rental. We kayaked all the way down to Congress but ended up having to put our arms in full gear on the way back in order to make our time limit. You see-we only rented for an hour. If you are even ONE minute late, you must pay $10. We had 14 minutes left and were 2 miles away. You can see where this is going...
So...so much for keeping up with the blog! I wish I had more time to actually take time on it!
My sister & I just watched Julie & Julia. At this moment, she is cooking a new recipe, and I am writing this. Funny, huh? I guess it inspired us. Ha-ha :-) The movie actually is pretty neat. I mean, this woman gets famous because she cooks every recipe from a Julia Child's cookbook in one year and blogs about it.
So I have THREE group projects to complete within the next 2-3 weeks. --*Why teachers insist on group projects, I will never know!* It is so difficult getting groups of college kids together when we all have a billion things on our schedules! If I were president, I would outlaw group projects :) Seriously, any professor assigning a group project to college students would get arrested. (Only for a day, just to teach them a lesson!) Oh, and then THEY will get assigned a huge project with 5 other teachers who break the rule. Those teachers would all have crazy schedules too. And then they will learn :-D Simple as that.
I keep having these crazy cool dreams. This past week my dreams have been so real and random, but very interesting and fun. I wish we all had little chips in our heads that would record our dreams, and then we could connect them to a TV and watch them! That would be so awesome. I bet in 25 years someone will invent that! Probably someone who comes across this blog!
I have a TON of stationary but only 5 addresses. If you want me to write you a real letter, send me your address! I love sending real mail to people! And I love receiving it! *hint hint*
Easter was good. I worked all weekend and then on Sunday went down to good ol' Gin Rd to see my parents. My mom made the most delicious homemade meal! (All her meals are delicious, really!) Then I was put through the pain of having to watch a Spurs game. Love my family, can't stand watching basketball. (Sorry Mom!)
So now there are only 6 weeks separating me from the sweetness of summer! And only 6 classes, a fieldwork, and an internship separating me from my diploma! I cannot wait to be done with school! I've been going to school my entire life, I am ready for something new!
Mmmk, enough for now.
WAIT! I forgot TWO things!
thing 1: I received a $20 giftcard to Walmart for participating in a 1 hour study in the Health Professions Building. If you go to TSU & you would like $20 as well, let me know, and I will send you the e-mail address of the lady to talk to. The lady doing the study is actually VERY sweet and the hour goes by fast because it is fun!
thing 2: Yesterday afternoon, one of my classes spent the whole period building bridges out of newspaper to see whose could hold the most cups water. My team won. I felt like I was in 5th grade again. If only all assignments were that simple. <3
Yes, those were definitely two important, significant things I just had to tell you! Everything I say is :)
Peace Out!
5 things I've done since the last time I blogged:
-Kayaked on Town Lake with Laura.
-Had an Easter Egg hunt at work in the shoe stockroom.
-Attended church service in Sewell Park at night.
-Procrastinated and stressed over school
-Found a fun new trail to jog in San Marcos.